Demonstrators clash at Evergreen College

For anyone studying Shakespeare last quarter at The Evergreen State College, Thursday’s gathering with dueling protestors may have brought up a line from “MacBeth.”
It was full of sound and fury. It may have signified nothing, or something pretty close to it.
A group of about 50 conservative activists from the Patriot Prayer group marched onto the campus Thursday evening, some waving American flags or sporting Donald Trump campaign hats or signs with his “Make America Great Again” slogan. Waiting for them were perhaps three times as many counter-protesters – students, alumni, staff and other supporters of the college and allied anarchists, clothed in black and faces mostly covered with scarves or balaclavas.
Between them were two rows of barricades and some 60 Washington State troopers in riot gear, intent on keeping them apart. For the most part, the troopers were successful.
By the time the two groups were close enough for the conservative activists to push up against the anarchists’ signs and be squirted with Silly String, the troopers moved in and forcibly separated the factions. One person, from the Evergreen side, was arrested for assault. Read more. Jim Camden/SR