Wood: Baffled by Banducci behavior
In responding to a letter to the Coeur d'Alene Press, NIC Trustee Christie Wood comments on fellow Trustee Todd Banducci, who is seeking re-election:
I do not blame the letter writer for the falsehoods. Clearly Todd is communicating these erroneous statements to who ever will listen. For the first 3 years I tried very hard to work with Todd. As chair I set up communication meetings in a effort to make him feel included. Time after time he went on the attack of his fellow trustees. I was constantly blindsided and baffled by his behavior. I remember asking him one time why he behaves like that and if he has any desire to get along with the rest of the board. He said politics are bloodsport and that is the bottom line. Hmmmm...in my 12 years on the board I never realized striving for student success, growing program opportunities, retaining quality faculty and staff, and managing our sound budget was bloodsport. Full comment here.