Midtown theater to be proposed

The Modern Theater will be proposing the details of a new midtown “place-making arts district” to the board of ignite cda this afternoon. Modern Theater board member Adam Graves said he is hesitant to discuss the project without presenting the details of the proposal with the urban renewal board first. “I just don’t want to let the cat out of the bag without all the details,” Graves said Tuesday afternoon. “You can kind of put all the pieces together. We are looking at midtown and they own all of the land, without that you can’t do anything.” Graves said the idea for an arts district came when The Modern Theater was looking for a new location to build a professional theater in Coeur d’Alene about the same time a midtown homeowners group was fighting ignite cda’s proposed workforce housing project in the neighborhood/Jeff Selle, Coeur d'Alene Press. More here.