Rebel flag on MLK Day angers Wallace man
Wallace resident Jon Ruggles has filed a complaint against a Shoshone County Solid Waste Department employee who parks his pickup in a prominent location at the transfer station, bearing a Confederate flag on the front license plate and back window. The Shoshone News Press published a front-page story about it Thursday. Below, you'll find a letter Ruggles sent to the Solid Waste Department:
It is my contention that this confederate flag located on both the front of the license plate area and rear window of the vehicle constitutes an an abridgment of the Shoshone County Personnel Policy Manual. While your employee could be dismissed as being ignorant of the affront he caused, the fact that his vehicle was parked in a prominent spot so that people entering the County Transfer-station could not miss his confederate flags —when the rest of our nation was celebrating our diversity in Martin Luther King’s birthday—either shows employee is either ignorant of current public affairs or that he was making a political statement neither is acceptable. Full letter here.