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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Huckleberries Online

Patano: It’s time for IFF to come clean

Sandy Patano, of the North Idaho Political Action Committee, says it's time for Idaho Freedom Foundation to come clean about its activities.
Sandy Patano, of the North Idaho Political Action Committee, says it's time for Idaho Freedom Foundation to come clean about its activities.

Editor's Note: Dustin Hurst said Sandy Patano erred in the 2nd paragraph when she said he has worn the green badge of a lobbyist. In an email to Huckleberries, he said: ""Ms. Patano erroneously claimed in her piece that I wear a green tag, which implies I am a lobbyist. I am not. If she had chosen to check her facts on the lobbyist registry, she would not see my name listed there."

Sandy Patano of the North Idaho PAC takes the Idaho Freedom Foundation to task:

Why would an “education” foundation rush to put out a legislative scorecard right now: politics   They pride themselves in being the only organization in Idaho that puts out a scorecard. Too bad it’s so biased. It’s time the IFF, or whatever little group they’ve recently created to try and comply with the law, to come clean.  They identify themselves as an “education foundation” to skirt the law.  And, they hide under the veil of this IRS status and name to operate outside the lines every chance they get. 

Wayne, Dustin, and others all wear green badges in the Capitol – just like all lobbyists do. Given the IFF’s special “tax” status they collect thousands and thousands of dollars without ever having to publicly report or share their donor list – something candidates, political parties and PACs can’t do. Given IFF’s “tax” status their donors can qualify for tax breaks by donating to a non-profit educational foundation and then turn around and use that money against the legislators they don’t like – something that candidates, political parties and political action committees can’t do; they have to report their activities and how they spent their money

Why would an educational foundation make robo calls “for” or “against” a candidate during a legislative session if they weren’t political and vindictive– ie. robo calls against Kelley Packer recorded by Wayne Hoffman. IFF has been politically involved since its inception – but this is the first time they’re feeling the heat. It’s fascinating that an organization who used “Freedom” in its name really has no interest in “freedom” for everyone else.  Hoffman and his cronies are far more interested in creating false arguments and unnecessary issues to drive their crazy voters to the polls.  IFF is all about blind loyalty, power and money!    They also will toss the constitution when convenient i.e. recent Bible bill.

Editor's Note: Dustin Hurst sent this note to me: "Ms. Patano erroneously claimed in her piece that I wear a green tag, which implies I am a lobbyist. I am not. If you she had chosen to check her facts on the lobbyist registry, she would not see my name listed there."

D.F. Oliveria

D.F. (Dave) Oliveria joined The Spokesman-Review in 1984. He currently is a columnist and compiles the Huckleberries Online blog and writes about North Idaho in his Huckleberries column.

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