Readers react to elk death photo

The battle royal that resulted in the death of two bull elk east of Coeur d'Alene earlier this month has readers talking and writing at the Coeur d'Alene Press.
- Against publication: Out of all the positive things The Press could have placed in that space, they chose to place that picture. Maybe in the future The Press might take just an extra moment and think about the impact such a brutal negative picture might have on their readers first thing in the morning -- Joe Bjerke, of Coeur d'Alene. More here.
- For publication: The gruesome dead elk pair pictures last week is newsworthy as it gets. It begs the question, shall our sue-happy society conclude that the Idaho Department of Fish and Game owes that hobby farm rancher a new barbed wire fence for destroying private property? The bull elk in the rut had no business destroying that fence or trespassing. Or did they? -- Mike Reno, of Post Falls. More here.
Question: Do you find anything wrong with publishing that photo on the front page of the Coeur d'Alene Press or Huckleberries Online?