Gun activists back Toby, bash Ron
This flier appears on the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance Facebook wall with the following explanation:
We are asking EVERYONE in Idaho to #Share this post so that the people of Coeur d'Alene know where these 2 candidates stand on gun rights.
Current councilman, Ron Edinger, has been on the Coeur d'Alene City Council for over 40 years and has made it clear he does NOT support the right of Coeur d'Alene citizens to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights. He twice voted against amending a city ordinance that banned firearms during certain events and gatherings within the city. One of those changes was backed by the ISAA. It wasn't until a letter from the Attorney General's office came to them and told them they were wrong that he finally voted to amend the ordinance.
The other candidate is Toby Schindelbeck. He has answered our 2nd Amendment survey 100% correctly.
As a citizenry you must take a look at ALL the issues a candidate stands for. It is too easy for some to answer 2nd Amendment issues in the positive and then be big government and anti-liberty on many other issues. Do your homework!!!
That being said, anyone who comes out against the 2nd Amendment has NO place being in power at any level of our government.
This is why the ISAA was formed. We are still a very young group but we are growing rapidly across the state. We want to be effective and keep anti-2nd Amendment politicians out of our government at every level and this is our chance to start making a difference.
Question: Does this attack by the Second Amendment Alliance make you more or less likely to vote for Toby Schindelbeck, against incumbent Ron Edinger?