Regan responds to Irgens’ charge

In a letter in the Coeur d'Alene Press, Brent Regan of the Idaho Freedom Foundation board, takes issue with a statement made by Eden Irgens re: a campaign flier he helped fund during the recent Coeur d'Alene City Council election:
I was taken aback, but not surprised when Eden Irgens was quoted in a recent article as saying I had donated to a PAC which sent out a political mailer that “had complete lies in it.” Really, what lies? Please be specific. I reviewed the mailer and the source material before agreeing to donate and saw only facts and information that had been reported in this very paper. Why would Ms. Irgens make a demonstrably false statement? Well, perhaps it was because the flyer featured a satirical political cartoon of a pile of taxpayer money going up in flames to represent the waste by ignite cda. What the article does not mention is that Eden Irgens is a co-founder of Range NW and Range NW is responsible for the widely criticized ignite cda advertising campaign. More here.