Carlson: Jeb down but not out
It won’t be an unrecorded miracle of the Lord. Nor will it be a modern-day Houdini act, but one can bet in six months the herd mentality that dominates the news of the nation will be talking about the political resurrection of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s presidential candidacy. Remember that fella a few years back written off because of bimbo eruptions? He surprised the media by running second in the New Hampshire primary, and thus became “the Comeback Kid.” So pervasive is the view that Jeb is roadkill one shouldn’t be surprised if those institutions of collective wisdom—the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal—don’t editorialize that Governor Bush should withdraw to help clear the field/Chris Carlson, Carlson Chronicles. More here.
Question: Are you counting Jeb Bush out?