A Jeremy Morris Reality TV series?
Wedelyn6969 (RE: Press: Morris planned national story) offers his ideas re: the possibility of the Hayden Family Morris becoming a reality show:
I think he's trying to get a reality tv show, something like "The Christmas Warriors of Hayden Lake Idaho" and it'll be wacky real life episodes of the dad blowing out circuit breakers and having family meetings and big arguments until they finally agree to not buy a backyard swimming pool until they've got a new circuit box in and heavier duty wiring ... and maybe Sarah and Bristol Palin will make a guest appearance in a sleigh and they all go out for a sleigh ride and to shoot coyotes. I'm nearly beside myself with excitement, here.
Oh yeah, the War on Xmas escalates so quickly they get the 101st Chairborne Internet Rangers Division of the US Oathkeepers of America to show a big open carry AR-15 and Glocks on drop-leg holsters (that keep getting milkshakes spilled on them) and a HUGE disagreement erupts when Morris tries to get them to cover up their camo jackets, camo pants, military style backpacks, camo boony hats WITH GREEN SANTA ELVES outfits and to sign christmas carols while marching around the place. Fortunately, this is the Ted Nugent guest episode and he mediates it and they agree to wear elf themed bandanas over their faces in the style of Palestinian kids throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers and to celebrate they go into a field and mow down a couple packs of coyotes with auto fire.
This could be big.