I can't believe I got hooked on one of those Hallmark movies last night. I'd been catching parts of the "Walking Dead" as I worked in my office last night when my wife switched stations to a Hallmark movie. The plot? At an airport, gal...
The Adams County Sheriff's Office has released the names of the deputies involved in the fatal shooting of Council rancher Jack Yantis on Nov. 1. The two deputies were identified Monday afternoon as Cody Rolland and Brian Wood. The sheriff's office said Rolland has been...
Friday's shooting spree at a Colorado Springs, Colo. Planned Parenthood clinic was not an act of terrorism in the opinion of the House Homeland Security Committee’s chairman. "It's a tragedy... It's, I think, a mental health crisis," said Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) on ABC News’s "This Week with George Stephanopoulos."
The Cutline Contest today features President Barack Obama at the United Nations Climate Change Conference near Paris, France. Weekend Winner -- Charlie.
Because the temperature is going to fall below 25 degrees again, the Warming Center will be open Monday and Tuesday evening from 7pm-7am. St Vincent de Paul is accepting donations of warm food, sleeping bags and blankets. If you are able to help or donate…
In an editorial, the Idaho Press Tribune of Nampa-Caldwell defends the need for the Idaho Defense Fund, the budget used by Idaho GOP leaders to pay for fruitless defenses of poor Idaho law for the last 20 years. However, the editorial urges Idaho leaders to pay more attention to the sound advice of AG Lawrence Wasden before fighting windmills.
The daily roundup of links from the Huckleberries Online blog roll includes: Black Friday/Fort Boise, Introductions/Slight Detour, 20th anniversary/Bay Views, A twist on saying grace/Slice, Musical therapy/Faithful Geek, Seahawks finally pass test/Grip, Your weekly (brew pub) planner/On Tap,No barking in the night-time/Randy Stapilus ...
Three Coeur d'Alene residents -- a male and 2 females -- were arrested after allegedly kidnapping a 25YO female from Broadway Foods in Spokane and then taking her to area of H53/Hidden Valley Road. The three then allegedly assaulted the woman, who was able to escape after they left the are that she was being held. The trio was later caught.
The Coeur d'Alene Resort will offer the "world's tallest living Christmas" tree at its annual North Pole feature across Lake Coeur d'Alene. The 162-foot grand fir is more than twice as tall as New York's Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. It features 40,000 lights along with a 10-foot star on top.
Did you know that Idaho has a river gorge that's deeper than the Grand Canyon and a granite mount wilderness are larger than Yosemite? Hailey Hirst of Matador Network posts that Idaho "is still largely wild, rugged, and mostly left alone." Do you realize how special Idaho is?
The New York Times and The Associated Press on Monday both announced they would drop "Rodham" when referring to Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner. The news outlets had referred to the former secretary of State as Hillary Rodham Clinton on first reference before her campaign confirmed Monday that she prefers Hillary Clinton.
Avista Corp. gave more than 3,000 of its utility customers $150 grocery gift cards for heading into the Thanksgiving holiday without power more than a week after a major windstorm socked the Inland Northwest. The Rosauers supermarket cards were a gift from Avista shareholder earnings,…
The Rev. Tom Connolly of St. Charles Parish launches the Christmas season each year by sharing what he has with Spokane: 1,000 Nativity scenes made of tapestry, concrete, nails and ceramics that he has collected from around the globe. Father Connolly discussed his collection with Cindy for a weekend feature story. Also see SR photo essay below.
Sam Abrahamson will be the new Chief of Police for the Coeur d’Alene Tribal Police Department starting Tuesday. Abrahamson, an enrolled member of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe, has been a police officer with the department for the past 16 years.
According to the weekend poll, a supermajority of us spent Thanksgiving with family this year -- 73%. Today's Poll asks: Do you think climate change is an important issue?
The generosity of Ron & Joanne McIntire didn't go unnoticed by The Bard of Sherman Avenue. The Bard provides a rhyme to salute the $1 million gift that the McIntires made to Kootenai Health. The donation was announced at the annual Festival of the Trees over the weekend.
AM Headlines for Monday includes: All Avista customers back on line/Press, Lingering outages plague Comcast users/KXLY, Otter meets with Azerbaijan official/Eye on Boise, Sgt Kenner retires from PFPD after 36 years/Press, SpokAnimal repairs roof, reopens after storm/KXLY, UIdaho botanical garden attracts diverse critters/EOB ...
A majority of respondents say they oppose new school standards regarding gender identity and sexual orientation, according to an Idaho Politics Weekly poll released Monday. Fifty-six percent of respondents opposed the Idaho School Boards Association guidelines designed to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students
"Why we live off venison, scenery and the close-out aisle at Goodwill" -- Ralph Bartholdt, Lewiston Tribune reporter, re: "Idaho wages 50th in nation." Question: How do you make ends meet?
In an editorial Sunday, The Spokesman Review Editorial Board said that the Republican Party has reached a crossroads. Increasingly, it is eschewing the "road less traveled" -- the one marked by moderation, civility and clear-headed leadership. Instead, it is opting for the angry reaction to fringe issues -- real or imagined.
By large majorities, most Idahoans believe their public schools are underfunded, a new Idaho Politics Weekly poll shows. But the same survey by Dan Jones & Associates finds that most Idahoans don’t know it takes a super-majority of 66 percent of voters to approve a...
At the Lewiston Tribune, conservative columnist Michael Costello writes that "Cry bullies have taken command of the academy." He opines that "liberals exercise unfettered control over our system of higher education." And he holds up the controversy on the University of Missouri campus as "the latest focal point for this leftist grievance theater."
D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.