Ex-Muslim Pastor Stirs Controversy

Anti-Islam pastor Shahram Hadian said the pledge of allegiance before addressing the crowd at Sandpoint Community Center in Sandpoint in April. (SR photo: Kathy Plonka)
After listening to Shahram Hadian speak for over an hour about Islam as a rising menace in America, Alton Howell stepped outside the log-built community hall in Sandpoint and quickly called a colleague. “It scared the living daylights out of me,” the Careywood farmer spoke into his phone. Howell, a leader in the Idaho Farm Bureau Federation, said in an interview that he worries young people are being “indoctrinated” to Islam and that followers already have a foothold in parts of the Northwest. “I think that we better pay attention,” he said. “The city of Seattle, that part of Washington, is just shotgun full of Muslims.” If alarm and fear are the reactions Hadian strives to produce in his audiences, the Spokane-area Christian pastor is having some success. And not just with community groups like last month’s Sandpoint meeting hosted by a group of Republican women/Scott Maben, SR. More here.