House OKs High School Civics Test
The House has voted 59-10 in favor of SB 1071a, to require Idaho high school graduates to pass the same civics test that immigrants must pass to become citizens of the United States. “Jay Leno went out and asked people, who’s president of the United States, who’s our senator?” said Rep. Terry Gestrin, R-Donnelly. “We’ve all seen those episodes where they don’t know.” Rep. Linden Bateman, R-Idaho Falls, said, “Normally I would not support mandating still another test on our school districts. There are so many tests that have been mandated. But I decided to support this legislation, because social studies has been relegated to a secondary position in our school districts”/Betsy Russell, Eye on Boise. More here.
Question: Can you name the three-person delegation that represents you in the Idaho Legislature?