Cutline Contest — Time2Vote
At left in a Feb. 28 file photo, Gonzaga head coach Mark Few instructs his team during a game against BYU in Spokane. At right, in a Feb. 11 file photo, UCLA head coach Steve Alford directs his team against Oregon State in Los Angeles. Gonzaga and UCLA play on Friday in the regional semifinals of the NCAA Tournament in Houston. You write the cutline. (AP Photo/File)
Monday Winner -- UncleBob, with 8 likes: The KCRCC met in a secure undisclosed location in quest of a new direction. After prayerfull consideration, they unanimously agreed to resolve to draft a resolution, whereas and wherefore they subsequently all wandered around aimlessly afterward, ever-henceforth steadfastly united to determine what "whereas" means. You can see Monday photo and all Cutline Contest entries here.