Hug Your Cat Day? Are. You. Kidding. Me?
Believe it or not, this is National Hug Your Cat Day (or Cindy is pulling my leg as she warms up in the bull pen for another stint at blog sub a few days from now. Here, she's seen with her cat, Thor, in its Yoda mode. Thor doesn't seem to be having as much fun as Cindy. I'll confess that I have 4 grand-cats, two owned by each offspring. Junior's cats are barn cats that catch mice and lizards. They keep Juniors place critter free, except for the giant bugs and baby frogs that are everywhere in Florida. They keep the alligators away, too. Now the cats owned by Amy Dearest have punctured my blow-up bed and scratched me. They're indoor cats. They don't catch mice or keep alligators away. Amy Dearest also owns a bunny. I haven't met the bunny yet. But I don't think it would scratch me.
Question: Have you hugged your cat today?