Avista Seeks 10.3%, 8.3% Rate Hikes
Avista filed a request last month for permission to raise rates on electricity and natural gas to generate $31.8 million for infrastructure repairs. The request includes a 10.3 percent increase in electricity rates over a two-year period and an 8.3 percent increase in natural gas rates. If approved, Avista's request would increase monthly power bills for average residential electricity users by $5.92 a month in 2016, and another $6.10 a month in 2017. Average natural gas users would pay an additional $3.90 a month in 2016, and see another monthly increase of $1.79 in 2017. "It's important to note that this is just a request or proposal," said Jessie Wuerst, a spokeswoman for Avista, as she explained the complexity of the request/Jeff Selle, Coeur d'Alene Press. More here.
Question: P'haps Avista's executives and shareholders aren't making enough money?