Clark: Don’t Resurrect ‘70s Garb
Don’t thank me, but I’d like to warn all of you Washingtonians about the unparalleled disaster facing the state. And no, I don’t mean that recent prediction concerning a huge Northwest earthquake. You know, the one where a federal emergency geek claimed that, when it occurs, “everything west of Interstate 5 will be toast.” To be honest, I’ve thought about the West Side in that way for years. As for a coming quake, however, I’ve never put much faith in stuff like this considering Spokane’s TV weathercasters barely bat past the Mendoza Line when it comes to simply getting the next day’s forecast right. Besides, not everyone is shaking in his boots about the quake. Word has it that savvy developers are already drawing up plans for a Wenatchee submarine port. No, the threat to Washington that has me shivering is far more devastating than anything a few nutty seismologists can conjure up. And here it is: A majority of Washington kids will go back to school this year wearing ’70s-style garb/Doug Clark, SR. More here.
Question: What was the craziest fashion you wore as a youth?