CdA Prefers Post-IEN Broadband
When the Coeur d’Alene School District went out for broadband service to replace the defunct Idaho Education Network, it got four bids, and local firm Ednetics had the lowest bid, district Technology Director Seth Deniston told lawmakers today. “They were the lowest by quite a bit, actually,” Deniston said. From the 2014-15 school year to the 2015-16 school year, the district’s cost dropped from just under $14,000 a month to less than $2,000, and its bandwidth speeds rose from just over 200 mbps to 1000 mbps. “We really feel like we’re able to get a great deal. A big part of that is because of our location on the I-90 corridor here,” Deniston said/Betsy Russell, Eye on Boise. More here.
- Idaho Falls schools better off post-IEN
- For Boise schools, it's a bandwidth issue
- No students were disrupted when IEN went dark
- High school broadband cost a third less, after demise of IEN
- School tech chiefs: Stick with local broadband for FY 2016-17
- For one, poor, Idaho district, internet has change education positively