Sediment Plume Enters Lake CdA

Steve Funk snapped this photograph of a sediment plume entering Lake Coeur d’Alene’s Wolf Lodge Bay on Monday morning.
Steve Funk, who lives near the bay, says the dirty water (from a sediment plume entering Lake Coeur d'Alene) raises concerns for him about possible ties to Forest Service logging practices upstream. The 889-acre Blue Alder project is taking place in the Wolf Lodge watershed. Jason Kirchner, an Idaho Panhandle National Forests spokesman, said the agency is trying to determine where the sediment is coming from. “A large influx of sediment would likely come from some sort of point source, such as a creek jumping its banks and cutting into a hillside, or some sort of road failure,” he wrote in an email/Becky Kramer, SR. More here.
DFO: I hope the photo from a cell phone shows up well enough.