Bikini stand stirs coffee, controversy
It might be December, but at Kisses Espresso, it's always swimsuit weather. The baristas who work at the former Pink Spot drive-up coffee stand, located at 3023 N. Government Way in Coeur d'Alene, have somewhat unusual uniforms — bikinis. Except for Workout Wednesdays. Then it's yoga pants and sports bras. "You can't have a stand like this and expect to be accepted by everyone," owner Jeffrey Middleton said Friday afternoon. "There are people who pull up who are surprised, but they're usually really nice"/Devin Heilman, Coeur d'Alene Press. More here.
Question: I rarely buy my coffee at a stand because I don't like to wait in a line with engine running. I consider it a waste of gas. If I did buy my coffee at a stand, I doubt that I would frequent this one. Coffee and bikinis? Nah. Thoughts?