Eubanks: Education Foundational
In an op-ed column in the Coeur d'Alene Press, Trustee Dave Eubanks of the Coeur d'Alene School Board writes:
"In Idaho today we are in the midst of a great crisis in our public school system, a crisis which, if left untended, will have dire
consequences not only for our children, but for our cherished liberty, and for our posterity. Depending which critical category you look at, Idaho's public schools rank either 48th, 49th, or 50th nationally, and the primary cause is inadequate funding from our legislature. In a state so rich in so many resources, how can this be? 50th out of 50. Heck, we even make Mississippi look good! Investing in improving our kids' education is a much wiser use of state revenue than spending millions to lure out-of-state companies here offering Idaho's under-educated cheap labor as bait, as if Idaho were a third-world country. Some folks in Boise have really dropped the ball on this one." More here.
Question: Idahoans say that education is important. And yet we continue to elect individuals who have nothing good to say or do about public education. Why the disconnect?