Edit: Time To Mix Broccoli w/Candy
In an Idaho Post Register editorial today, Corey Tauley writes that it's time Idahoans quit voting straight ticket: Think of the Idaho Republican Party as candy and the Idaho Democratic Party as broccoli. It gives a majority of Idahoans pleasure to vote Republican, to oppose the party of Obama and Clinton — to eat a steady diet of Gob- stoppers, Junior Mints and Tootsie Rolls. It’s time to look in the mirror. Look and see — that this candy diet has rotted your teeth, pocked your skin and left you flabby and listless. In November, Idahoans best mix in a little broccoli. It may not taste very good, but they’ll feel better and be healthier in the long run. Full edit here.
Question: Time for a little broccoli?