So. “Manspreading” is a thing.
I’m not going to cross my legs like ladies do,” Fabio Panceiro told the New York Times last week, “I’m going to sit how I want to sit.”
He’s not alone in his sentiments about New York’s Metropolitan Transit Authority’s (MTA) new campaign to discourage “manspreading,” the practice of male passengers, essentially, feeling the need to open their legs as widely as possible while riding public transportation.
From the story which you can read here:
In addition to being generally impolite, some women feel that the posture is not just a subtly aggressive statement of male privilege, but often also a potentially threatening one. By manspreading, a male passenger is not only insisting his right to take up as much space as he desires in public, regardless of the needs or desires of others, but can also use his physicality as a means of intimidation.
Manspreading, some argue, is a form of passive assault.
I'd never heard of manspreading until today and I live in a house full of men. Thoughts on this story?