There’s a pill for that
Suffering? Getting old? The pharmaceutical industry wants to help. Every night on TV, photogenic actors frolic with photogenic grandchildren, or lounge in bathtubs gazing into the setting sun, telling emotion-laden tales of 30-second Madison Avenue cures: E.D.? Low T? R.A.? COPD? Dry eye? Sneezy? Wheezy? Queasy? There’s a drug for that.
And all the consumer needs to do – all together, now – is “Talk to your doctor.”
But there are a few things the ads don’t mention: Low-cost alternatives to the high-cost drugs featured in the ads. Lifestyle changes that could make drugs unnecessary. Damaging side effects that may not be discovered until a drug has been on the market for a while.
Less obvious is the fact that when consumers do show up to talk to their doctors, the drug industry got there first. Read more. John Webster, SR
My 82-year-old mother takes a bewlidering number of medications. It really concerns me. I don't take any regular medication-- not even vitamin suppliements.
Do you take prescribed meds? Why or why not?