LCDC To Level Fortground Rentals
In the minutes of its recent board meeting, Lake City Development Corp. announces plans to level three rental houses it owns along North Park Drive, near Coeur d'Alene Skate Park, in the Fortgrounds area:
Executive Director Berns shared that plans are being formulated to demolish three LCDC-owned residential building properties on North Park Avenue this fall: 618 N. Park Avenue, 620 N. Park Avenue and 622 N. Park Avenue. Funding to cover the demolition costs of these three residential buildings is included in the 2014 fiscal year budget. Tenants in the 618 and 620 N. Park Avenue properties have already given notice that they plan to vacate those premises by the end of September. Tenants at the 622 N. Park Avenue property will leave the premises in October. Tentative plans call for the building demolitions to occur prior to year end.