AM Headlines — 9.6.13
John Padula, president of Set Apart Discipleship, ascends the stairs from the basement area of the Coeur d'Alene faith-based rehabilitation facility. The organization is hoping to expand their services by finishing the basement of the Sixth Street home which would allow for more beds. Story here. (Coeur d'Alene Press photo: Shawn Gust)
- Idaho Records/Sherry Adkins, SR
- Brannon won't seek council either/Press
- DeLange seeks re-election in Hayden/Press
- Vestal: Pot law's melding of cultures psychedelic/SR
- Post Falls school enrollment increases slightly/Press
- Thieves break into 17 cars in 2 weeks in Lake City/KREM
- Montana judge will try to revise teacher's rape sentence/AP
- Idaho F&G updates sportsmen over breakfast/Rich Landers, Outdoors
- O'Connor laments alarming degree of public ignorance/Dan Popkey, IS
- Gay marriage in Washington: Trip to wedded bliss/Kaitlin Gillespie, SR
- Idaho dedicates hatchery to wild sockeye revival/Rich Landers, Outdoors
- Idaho alters WiFi deal under pressure from legislators/Betsy Russell, SR
- Fundraisers to help Post Falls teen in need of a heart transplant/Brian Walker, Press