Dogwalk Musings: Congress On Syria
Parsing words seems to becoming a required skill for politicians. That Obama is going to seek Congressional approval for military action is good. When his surrogates go to lay out his proposal I hope they hold his feet to the fire. Don't accept parsed rhetoric. It's a given that chemical weapons have been used in spite of international agreements banning that use. It's also true that red line had been crossed several times before Obama felt forced to take action to save face. I do not accept his rationale that this time is because of the scope of it. Use of chemical weapons is just that - large or small. But this Presiden t has a penchant for picking and choosing to his own liking/Dogwalk Musings. More here. (AP photo: Secretary of State John Kerry, left, and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel talk prior to Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Syria)
Question: What do you want Congress to do with President Obama's proposal to bomb Syria?