Post Falls: Anti-LCDC Brochure Wrong
A recently circulated brochure critical of the Lake City Development Corporation (LCDC), and urban renewal agencies in general, produced under the signature of State Representative Kathleen Sims, Sharon Culbreth and Frank Orzell, made assertions regarding the City of Post Falls that Post Falls officials say are untrue. The brochure states that the City of Post Falls received $890,000 of unspent urban renewal funds and considered using them “to fund city employee salary increases”. City Finance Director Jason Falkner and City Administrator Shelly Enderud say the assertion in the brochure is simply untrue. The funds which came back to taxing districts as a result of delays by agencies reviewing project improvements involving Interstate 90 were never considered for ongoing expenses. Post Falls Mayor Clay Larkin, and mayoral candidates Kerri Thoreson and Ron Jacobson and other members of the city council, confirmed that the representations made in the brochure are incorrect, and that the funds were budgeted for one-time capital expenses and essential capital reserves/Kit Hoffer, City of Post Falls. More here.