HBO Blogosphere Rdp: 10.23.13
On his Facebook wall, Robin Loznak of Kellogg, Ore., posts this photo and the message: "Fall leaves cover an abandoned 1940's Chevrolet sedan decaying in thick brush along the Umpqua River near Elkton, Ore., on Sunday. When new, a similar vehicle like the 1941 Chevorlet Fleetline sedan, sold for only $877." Robin calls this photo, "Back to Nature." You can see more of his outdoor photography on his Facebook page here.
- All skate/The Slice
- World of Warcrack/Tech Deck
- When, yes, it is racism/Arch Druid
- Just Wednesday stuff/Slight Detour
- Smells like a big opportunity/Fort Boise
- The monk & the butterfly/Eye on Shanghai
- I have returned (to Diamond Cup)/Bay Views
- High Popalorum, low Popahirum/Johnson Report
- 'The Incredible Depth of Green'/Writing North Idaho
- Definition of progressive/Rants, Raves & Random Thoughts
- Omigosh, I've become (no, not my mother)/From A Simple Mind
- 'American Blackout' shows effects of cyber Pearl Harbor/Rocky Barker
- A fundamentally transformed USA? Is this what we want/Dogwalk Musings
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