Nic: Psst, Men Have Image Prob, Too
Do you have body issues? Do you struggle with your self image? Do you believe that you're not pretty enough or skinny enough? We live in a culture that as a twisted definition of beauty. Our starlets are photoshopped to look curvier and bustier creating this artificial standard that demands you sacrifice your self worth on the alter of Sexy. This culture tells you that you need a slimmer waist, bigger breasts, fuller lips, and shinier hair to be hot. Our movies and music tell you that you have to take your clothes off to to be valued. When you walk through the grocery store check out lanes, you are confronted with magazines that promise tips to have a better sex life, get the guy you want, and lose a few pounds - all while Katy Perry is the cover model ideal of perfection/Nic, Rants, Raves & Random Thoughts. More here.
Question: Nic goes on to say that men have an image problem, too. Did you ladies know that?