GOP Tables 17th Amendment Action
After that vote, the committee heard a resolution presented by Committeeman Matt Roetter that if passed would have called on the state Republican Central Committee to eliminate its support for repealing the 17th Amendment. The 17th Amendment was ratified in 1913 and gave citizens the right to elect their U.S. senators. Prior to that amendment, state legislatures were charged with appointing their state's two senators. ... After Roetter made the motion to pass the resolution, Committeeman Jeff Tyler, who is also president of the Reagan Republicans, presented a 12 minute YouTube video from Friends Of America which supports the repeal of the 17th Amendment. ... The committee voted 35 to 14 -- with one abstaining -- to postpone the issue indefinitely (a move Roetter interprets as supporting the repeal)/Jeff Selle, Coeur d'Alene Press. More here. (Duane Rasmussen photo: Reagan Republican President Jeff Tyler listens to state Sen. Russ Fulcher announce for governor Saturday)
DFO: Overwhelmingly, Hucks Nation opposes the repeal of the 17th amendment (more than 90% in a recent poll).
Question: How can you explain why the Kootenai County GOP Central Committee is so out of touch with reality that it would endorse by omission a party plank that would exclude Idahoans from picking U.S. senators?