Koler Targets School Elections Again
If I'm reading the tea leaves correctly, the Kootenai County Republican Women are already on board in support of appointed Coeur d'Alene School Board Trustees Ann Seddon and Brent Regan -- and candidate Bjorn Handeen. On the Republican Women Web site, Duncan Koler of Citizens for Better Education (CBE), which was instrumental in the elections of Trustees Tom Hamilton and Terri Seymour, is calling for help in supporting these candidates. Koler wants ground troops to begin walking precincts as early as April 6. Quoth Koler: "We need to be super-organized because the liberal opposition is fully mobilized. Both sides view this as a critical election." You can read the rest of the post here.
Question: Are you happy with the work of the current Coeur d'Alene School Board?