Adams’ 911 Call Makes Foolocracy
It appears that the 911 call by Councilman Steve Adams is going viral. Here's how Glenn Church presented the situation on his Web site Foolocracy: Government by Fools, Silliness & Unintelligent People:
Idaho politics might be a little too intense for Coeur d’Alene City Councilman Steve Adams. In a
city council meeting, city attorney Mike Gridley got within a foot of Adams while using some profanity and calling Adams a “moron.” The topic was how the city will pay for an overhaul of a sewage treatment plant. Gridley never touched Adams, threatened him or raised his hands in an intimidating manner. Vehemently disagreeing with Adams and questioning Adams’ intelligence was enough to inspire Adams to call police. Afterwards, Adams said that he overreacted. While calling Adams a “moron” isn’t going to settle any political issues, Adams reaction to calling the police doesn’t do anything to dispute Gridley’s observation. More here (including KREM video from Monday newscast.
Question: Adams admits on the KREM video that he overreacted. Does he owe his constituents a public ap-hollo-gy?