11:53 a.m. Red Ford Explorer/cream Lincoln crash @ Mullan/NW Blvd by Human Rights Center.
11:23 a.m. 13YO boy recently diagnosed w/seizure syndrome seizing for 3 minutes @ Canfield MS.
11:14 a.m. Children are in street chasing dogs @ 35235 N22nd, CdA.
10:47 a.m. 50ish male w/history of mental problems threatening Community Health staff, 1090 Park Place, CdA.
9:47 a.m. PFPD officer reports BNSF train stopped on Pleasantview crossing tracks.
9:18 a.m. 91YO male possibly suffered stroke in 2700 block of Slice (cross of Bogey), PF.
9:12 a.m. A Chevy Tahoe has been parked at different place along NW Blvd; may be casing places.
9:07 a.m. 3 children, only one of whome was in car seat (8:56 item) transported to KMC.
8:57 a.m. Red Ford Taurus followed by ISPer runs light @ Dalton/Ramsey & hits vehicle.
8:56 a.m. ISP officer reports red Ford Taurus has run red light @ Ramsey/Appleway, swerving.
8:32 a.m. Caller reports 2 loose dogs are chasing his dogs @ s/b Stagecoach/15th, Post Falls.
8:25 a.m. ISP officer reports disabled vehicle along e/b I-90/MP 6 (Seltice Way overpass).
Posted March 25, 2013, 11:45 a.m.