PM Headlines — 3.18.13
Here's some crass commercialism that you might appreciate: "Re-live moments from the drive to no. 1, as played in the pages of the newspaper. More will be added as the tourney begins. You can view the pages, and order reprints."
- Boundary County schools get 9th bomb threat/KHQ
- Cars in Centennial Trail lots targeted by thieves/SR
- House panel passes heavy-truck bill/Betsy Russell, EOB
- Committees to hold forums for anti-discrimination bill/EOB
- 2nd bill introduced to criminalize cops for followed fed law/EOB
- Then & Now photos: Gonzaga's Kelly Olynyk/Spokesman-Review
- Former owners take back Conkling Marina & Resort/Scott Maben, SR
- Both charter school bills headed to Senate's amending order/Eye on Boise
- Spokane police confirm USC players involved in brawl/Jennifer, Pignolet, SR
- New version of Malek's health worker felony assault bill clears House panel/EOB