War Horse gallops into town
The crew of “War Horse” showed off Joey at a promotional event last August in Spokane.
If you have seen only the Steven Spielberg movie of “War Horse,” you haven’t seen “War Horse.”
More than 1 million playgoers worldwide have already discovered that the original stage version of “War Horse” has a quality that cannot be captured by all of the movie magic in world.
“We bring an inanimate object to life – and that is really magical,” said Gregory Manley, one of the three men who conjure Joey, the main character, into being.
Joey is a 7-foot-tall construction of canewood, mesh, leather, aluminum and aircraft cables, constructed by the Handspring Puppet Company of South Africa. To the audience, however, Joey is simply a horse. More. Jim Kersner, SR
I'm looking forward to seeing War Horse Tuesday night. Has anyone seen the movie?