Joker’s Hard Q’s re: Events Center
Lake City Development Corp.’s announcement that they will fund $10 million for a new North Idaho College arena raises big concerns about the project. Before you buy what the Yea CDA crowd and the LCDC advocates are selling, think about these questions.
- 1. Do we need it? It’s not clear Coeur d’Alene or North Idaho College actually needs an expensive arena. For starters, the college already has a very nice auditorium that plays host to Coeur d’Alene Summer Theater. NIC ‘s athletics are nice, but is there any evidence that thousands of people would show up for a basketball game? Or a wrestling match? If the college were to host tournaments that would draw more people to the region, but can those tournaments offset the substantial operating costs? Where’s the proof that we need it? The feasibility study? Ok, how often does a commissioned study comeback with a, “No.” Wanting something cool doesn't mean its a good idea.
- Questions 2-5 here.
Question: Do you have a hard question to ask re: events center?