Labrador Pooh-Poohs Bush Lobbying
Former president George W. Bush, who enjoyed healthy support among Latinos during his time in office, has broken a virtual five-year silence in national politics to weigh in on immigration reform. The question is: Is anyone listening? Judging from the immigration debate roiling the House, probably not. Although Bush's public approval ratings are on the rise, he is a fast-fading memory on Capitol Hill, where more than half of the 234 House Republicans arrived on the scene after he departed. Rep. Raul Labrador, R-Idaho, who last month dropped out of bipartisan talks to develop a comprehensive House immigration bill, said Bush's views would have little impact. "Anybody has to take an ex-president's word seriously, but he's just another voice on this issue. He's not going to be the definitive voice," Labrador said in an interview/David Nakamura & Ed O'Keefe, Washington Post. More here. (AP photo: George W. Bush places his hand over his heart during the national anthem before a U.S. citizen swearing in ceremony in Dallas on Wednesday)
Question: Wouldn't the Republican Party be in much better shape today if it'd followed then President George Bush's lead in reaching out to Hispanics?