AM headlines — 1.31.13
Jason Hunt, officer with the Post Falls Police Department, right, looks on as Coeur d'Alene Police Department's Sgt. Brett Walton takes a phone call Wednesday night while investigating the scene of an armed robbery of the Lean Bean coffee stand on Sherman Avenue. Hunt and his K-9 were called to aid in the search for the suspect who fled on foot. Coeur d'Alene Press story here. (Coeur d'Alene Press photo: Shawn Gust)
- Idaho Records/Sherry Adkins, SR
- Clark: That's one solution to bloated government/SR
- Burglar steals computer equipment from Old City Hall/Press
- Women don't make more than men in Idaho/Sarah Brodie, KBOI
- Report: Idaho lags in charter school growth/Twin Falls Times News
- Hayden man charged with assault, obstructing/Brian Walker, Press
- Suspected monkey killer pleads innocent to burglary, grand theft/KBOI
- Idaho senators compares health exchange to holocaust/Betsy Russell, SR
- Turkish ag group wants to use IDAHO as trademark, solons unhappy/Eye On Boise
- Rev & Tax grills Otter aide re: tax credit for new workers/Betsy Russell, Eye on Boise
- Man faces manslaughter charge in shooting, dismembering death/Chelsea Bannach, SR