AM Headlines — 2.27.13
Angela Weekes, left, and Kari Seibel lead the Nampa Police Department's charge against domestic violence, which focuses in part on recognizing the signs and significance of strangulation. The NPD is one of the first departments in the nation to adopt a new online training program on strangulation, and it's required of all employees. (AP/Statesman photo: Katherine Jones)
- Idaho Records/Sherry Adkins, SR
- Fire destroys CdA home/Tom Hasslinger, Press
- Idaho Vandal Graham perseveres/Chris Derrick, SR
- Sandpoint teen accused of shooting BB gun at man/AP
- Clearwater County postal worker faces theft charges/AP
- Highway 95 reconstruction will bypass Council/Jamie Gray, KTVB
- Charter school funding moves along to House/Betsy Russell, SR
- City of Rocks remains identified as woman missing 24 years/Laurie Welch, TFTN