NI Blogs: Gotta Love A Sewer Plant …
... Operated by folks with a sense of humor. This is the sign on the Spokane River side of the plant, along the extended Centennial Trail. I've passed this sign often but never had the nerve to press the button. Councilman Dan Gookin, who provided this photo for Huckleberries Online, didn't either. So we'll simply let our imaginations wonder re: what would happen if you wanted a little extra "aromatherapy."
- Pandora/Tumblewords
- Sequestration topics/Arch Druid
- The Groundhog lied/From A Simple Mind
- Gay rights & conservatives/Dogwalk Musings
- Sequester impacts, by state/Randy Stapilus
- Take me out to the spring training game/Slight Detour
- February 1959: Month the music died/Dennis Mansfield
- Today's school 'sequestration' number: $5,795,625/The EDge
- CdA street crews to begins spring cleanup/Coeur d'Alene Today
Huckleberries numbers (for Monday, Feb. 25): 9619 page-views/5067 unique views