Landers: Hunting Is Serious Business
Hunting is the ultimate form of tough love. Sportsmen donate to habitat conservation and snap photos of fawns with the same fascination they focused on the first steps of their own children. Then in the fall, they’ll take aim at those critters for the benefit of wildlife management, putting meat in the freezer or a trophy on the wall. Most hunters love wildlife. If hunting were just a matter of killing, few people would do it. Years ago, a National Public Radio correspondent accompanied a deer hunter for a story. As they walked through the woods, the hunter noted that he sometimes tries to sneak up on a buck and shoot it on its bed – a difficult task, since bucks don’t just lie down, close their eyes and shut down their senses. The reporter’s response? Wouldn’t it be more sporting to give the deer a running chance? No. While hunting is considered a sport, it’s not a game/Rich Landers, SR. More here. (SR file photo: Steve Thompson)
Question: Why do/don't you enjoy hunting?