Otter Coy Re: Run For 3rd Term
Ask Gov. Butch Otter about his political future, and you hear a lot of things. After a bit of gentle prodding Friday morning, he bragged on himself a bit, telling reporters about how he took second place in a roping competition in Hailey last year. He wove a tale about returning to the White House as a congressman-turned-governor, and landing a banquet seat between then-gubernatorial colleagues Sarah Palin and Arnold Schwarzenegger. He told reporters about being pulled aside by President George W. Bush and being asked, in essence, what it was like to come to the White House for something other than the jawboning (or a rear-end chewing) that presidents usually reserve for members of Congress/Kevin Richert, The EDge, IdahoEDNews. More here.
Question: Do you expect Otter to run for a third term?