DFO: The Libruls Are Comin’ — Ward
Predictably, Jeff Ward of the Kootenai County Reagan Republicans/Strategery is whipping up his easily whipped up troops again, warning that his good guys face the toughest election yet. Begins Jeff in his latest Kootenai Weekly Conservative newsletter: "And so the season of disingenuousness begins. The smokescreens, the doubletalk, the evasions start about the partisan nature of local elections." (You can read the rest here.) Seems Jeff and I have a different definition of disingenuous. I define that as a coupla good ol' boys who form a political group under the hallowed name of Ronald Reagan to endorse candidates and then rake in tens of thousands of dollars from endorsed candidates through the public relations arm of that organization. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I also define disingenuous as setting yourself as the judge and jury re: what constituents a Republican in Kootenai County -- even when an endorsee has questionable Republican pedigree but may contribute to the organization. Meanwhile, the Reagan Republicans and/or Strategery have endorsed or spoken out against Republicans on issues that are mainstream. They opposed the health exchange (endorsed by GOP Gov. Butch Otter and approved by GOP Legislature). They supported the Luna Laws (rejected by Idaho voters). Ron Lahr & Ward's Strategery handled PR for the ill-fated County Government change ballot issue in 2012. Jeff joined Mary Souza, Kathy Sims and other contributors to Reagan Republican fund-raising efforts in encouraging the failed RecallCDA effort in 2012. They supported the campaign of Constitutionalist Steve Adams, who has proven repeatedly that he's in over his head. And they backed the wrong horse for sheriff (but one who spent heavily w/Strategery) in the 2012 GOP primary. All of which makes you wonder just how mainstream Republican are the Reagan Republicans. And just how "librul" are the individuals they denigrate in the name of exporting dysfunctional local Republicanism for fun and prophet/DFO.