PM Headlines — 10.30.12
On her Facebook wall, Kerri Thoreson writes: "A little brightness on the rainy horizon today. From nearly $4 a gallon in recent weeks, gas is $3.67 at this station on 4th St. and I-90 in Coeur d'Alene. Wonder if we'll ever see gas prices below $2 again. Sigh."
- Pictures of Lake Coeur d'Alene/Idaho for 91 Days Blog
- Bar owner pleads guilty to fatal crash/Thomas Clouse, SR
- Secret-donors group to reveal contributors Wednesday/Eye on Boise
- 2 members of supremacist gang admit to weapons possession/BW
- Churches offer candy, games for children/Brian Walker & Bill Buley, Press
- 2 boys abandoned along I-90, authorities looking for mom/Scott Maben, SR
- Contract: State must pay if laptops damaged, lost or stolen/Betsy Russell, SR
- Vandersloot up ante to $1M-plus in battle versus IEA over props/Dan Popkey, IS
- Boise woman who tried to inject child w/bleach faces 10-year term/Patrick Orr, IS
Question: How low do you expect gas prices to go?