Idaho Not Alone Sunshine Law Fight
The idea seemed simple: Create a nonprofit, collect cash and send more than $200,000 for TV ads promoting an education overhaul by schools chief Tom Luna. The advantage for camera-shy donors was anonymity because such a 501(c)4 nonprofit can shield backers' names from public scrutiny, say the leaders of the nonprofit Education Voters of Idaho who include lobbyist Phil Reberger, a former chief of staff for Gov. Dirk Kempthorne, and Debbie Field, campaign manager for Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter. However, the strategy backfired when a judge sided with Secretary of State Ben Ysursa and ordered Education Voters of Idaho to reveal the names of donors. The deadline for disclosure is 3 p.m. Wednesday, barring an appeal. The issue of how campaign disclosure laws apply to nonprofit groups isn't confined to Idaho/AP. More here.