ISU Footballers Claims Coach Attack
The Idaho State Journal reports today that a video showing Idaho State University head football coach Mike Kramer shoving wide receiver Derek Graves to the ground during an Oct. 3 practice is gaining national attention and was posted on on Tuesday night; the player reported the incident to the Pocatello Police and has retained an attorney. Graves told ESPN's “Outside the Lines,” “I’ve seen Kramer get in guys’ faces and curse them, but never saw him do anything like this or put his hands on anyone. … I was humiliated at the moment. If I retaliate, I could lose my senior season. If I didn’t do anything, I would look like a punk. It was a no-win situation”/Betsy Russell, Eye on Boise. More here. (2011 AP file photo of Kramer during Washington State game)
Question: How will this play out?