Council Split On PR Coordinator
Predictably, the Coeur d'Alene City Council split 4-3, with Mayor Sandi Bloem casting the tie-breaking vote, to hire a public relations coordinator. In support of the agreement, according to draft minutes of the meeting, Councilman Mike Kennedy said money to pay for the $45,000 position will come from the elimination of two project coordinators. Councilman Deanna Goodlander said the PR person will pick up some of the duties of previous staff, including writing press releases, and create social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter and blogs. But Councilman Dan Gookin opposed the contract "due to the manner in which it came about, rather than through a bid/proposal basis." Gookin is concerned about getting out facts when the City Council is split on issues. City Council minutes of this portion of the meeting here (Resolution 12-041).
Question: Councilman Gookin has an interesting issue. How does the communications director respond to an issue when the council is split on it?