Hemingway Left His Mark On Idaho
He walked along a small creek east of Carey, shotgun in hand. He scanned for ducks through the grass and the sagebrush in the chill of the fall and the running water helped to mask the sound of his approach. As he rounded a bend, three ducks took flight “and bang, bang, bang he got all three of them — a lot of guys might get a couple of them, but they might miss a couple, he was that kind of shot, he was really good,” said Picabo rancher and Hemingway friend Bud Purdy, 94. Every Hemingway fan knows the story of how the author came to Sun Valley for the first time in September 1939, invited to represent the outdoors appeal of the resort in promotional material. Fans make the pilgrimage to Room 206 at the lodge where he wrote part of his novel, “For Whom the Bell Tolls”/Ashley Smith, Twin Falls Times-News. More here. (Wikipedia photo: Ernest Hemingway)
Question: Have you read a book by Ernest Hemingway in the last year?