Eagle Count: 64 Soggy Ones Today
An eagle soars above Wolf Lodge Bay in this Spokesman-Review file photo.
Wildlife biologist Carrie Hugo counted 64 soggy bald eagles today in the Wolf Lodge Bay area of Lake Coeur d'Alene. Bald eagles from around the region congregate in the bay in November through December to feast on the spawned out kokanee salmon. For years, U.S. Bureau of Land Management biologists have conducted weekly surveys to monitor the eagle congregation. The BLM joins with Idaho Fish and Game and local birding expers to stages an Eagle Watch information fair at Wolf Lodge Bay each year during the Christmas holiday break, which tends to coincide with the peak numbers of eagles visiting the area/Rich Landers, SR Outdoors blog. More here.
Question: Where is the best place by car to see eagles along Lake Coeur d'Alene?